Switch Datacenters Amsterdam 3 (AMS3) is located in the strategic Amsterdam South East business district.

Introducing our AMS3 datacenter

AMS3 site

The site was a logistics building which has been converted into a 8,6 MW IT capable Tier 3+ datacenter.

AMS3 became operational in 2017, newly built according to our Switch “Infinite modular datacenter” concept leading to a highly efficient facility, very low PuE and with a total cost of ownership. This is due to the extensive automation and smart, innovative building & engineering concepts used.

The office area of 660m2 was also completely retrofitted to high-end standards by the customer in 2018 in order to accommodate its main operations in the datacenter.

AMS3’s dedicated user is a leading global hosting company. By teaming up with Switch Datacenters, this tenant was able to tremendously speed up their presence in the Dutch and international market without the hassle of finding the right location, reserving the power, building a site and running the base facility operations.

Based on SLA, Switch delivers power, cooling and facilitatory services to the customer. The contract is set-up in blocks of DC capacity, which the customer can call in. Due to a smart proprietary DC design, using two separate floors, there is a clear physical and process boundary which creates a simple and clear set of rules and responsibilities between wholesale customer and Switch Datacenters responsibilities.

The site was officially Uptime Tier III certified on request of the customer in 2019 and is as such the only Tier III certified site in the Netherlands. The site is very well connected to almost all carriers in Amsterdam.

Strategically located in the Amsterdam South East business district

AMS3 Specifications


Total Surface11,000 m²
Net White Space When Fully occupied3,239 m²
Total Potential Customer IT Capacity8.6 MW

Power infrastructure

The facility is designed with the following modern power technologies to meet the highest datacenter requirements:

Cooling infrastructure

The facility is equipped with the following cooling technologies to meet the highest data center requirements:

Process certification

Year acquired
Total Potential Customer IT Capacity
0 MW
Total Surface
Incoming grid capacity
AWS3 photo inside
AWS3 photo inside