Immersed Cooling: Is this the time to accelerate ?

At the past Kickstart event, Edgar van Essen, managing director of Switch Datacenters discussed the topic of immersed cooling with other interesting speakers. Edgar is convinced that we are on the verge of the era of hybrid cooling, which will eventually shift to liquid cooling. Should residual heat be offered for free? No way, according to Van Essen. We need to recognize the economic value of residual heat. Data centers are already becoming suppliers of heat and are helping us to move away from the use of gas. In the context of energy transition, residual heat is not something that we should give away for free. Instead, we need to optimize its production so that we can switch off power stations. According to van Essen, now is the time to accelerate and make smart use of immersed cooling.

Panel session: Immersed Cooling

In the below video, Edgar van Essen is in conversation with Arno Uiterweerd, Managing Director Unica and Arno van Gennip, Senior Director Sustainability at Equinix at the Kickstart Europe 2022 event.

KickStart Europe is the Annual Strategy & Networking conference on trends and investments in tech and digital infrastructure. By bringing together an array of industry professionals at the start of the year, Kickstart Europe helps to explore the emerging trends and technology shaping the digital industry and digital infrastructure of cloud, connectivity and data centers.